Easy Breezy Louisey helps to feel positive and to be ready for school.
Easy Breezy Louisey assists in feeling safe, aware and comfortable in social activities
Easy Breezy Louisey aids in dealing with pressure and expectations (from self or others)
Connect to the inner child – sweet, happy and playful with Easy Breezy Louisey
Easy Breezy Louisey encourages lightness and ease in life and gives permission to play and have fun
Easy Breezy Louisey has so much fun playing with friends and helping others.
Easy Breezy says to ask someone new to play with you, or try playing a game you've never played before.
The mist is designed for a subtle and easy application around pulse points, i.e. wrists, neck or temples. or can be spritzed onto belongings such as teddies, t-shirts, bedding, pillow.
The mist can also be used as a room spritz.
The mist is easy for children to use and the all-natural ingredients and subtle quantity of essential oils used mean it is safe to use on young skin.
Please note:
Avoid spraying the mist into open eyes or mouth.
Try the mist on a small area first to ensure no irritation is caused.
Store out of direct sunlight.
Easy Breezy Louisey mist
Ingredients: Purified Water + Essential Oils; Mandarin, German Chamomile + Flower Essences; Boab, Little Flannel Flower, Mallow & Tall Mulla, the Creativities Mother Tincture