CONNECT with me
via the Self-Love Revolutionary App,
and in person by appointment or
on Retreat
Photo credit: Sophie at sister scout
"In the tapestry of life we are all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us, helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together"
Anita Moorjani
The body has innate healing energy and is doing its best to care for itself, but sometimes it needs assistance to achieve this state. There are waves of energy within the body that relate to muscles, tissues and organs that make a body a living, feeling being, and these waves interrelate with the experience felt through thought, emotion and spirit. By accessing these the client may find renewed clarity, re-alignment to purpose, enhanced energy and greater calm and connection to self and others.
In my work with each client, whether individually or as a group, I draw from years of experience and thousands of hours of learning, all married together to activate RE-MEMBERING of self and alignment to Source, comprising:
Kinesiology to gain bio-feedback from the body, bypassing the mental mind (where lie limitations and outdated beliefs) to restore holistic balance and equilibrium;
Energy balancing to get you back into flow with more energy, vital energy, energy to move from strive to thrive;
Intuitive guidance, tapping into your innate frequency, accessing Higher Self knowing and Soul desires;
Nurturing because with a non-judgmental ear, heart connection and gentle voice guiding you, you’ll feel safe and free to transform….
.... the chaos into calm, the noise into stillness, the fear into confidence, the unknown into clarity, the worry into peace, the discomfort into ease, the lost into found.
Connection is verbal, visual, energetic, intuitive, interpreted and felt
Through connection you can expect to be involved, inspired, and stimulated creatively meaning that sessions with me offer an interactive review and appraisal of information that you give*, in order to re-frame the narrative, shift perspective, balance energy and restore clarity. Healing - becoming whole - comes from the felt experience of shifting what is old, cumbersome and no longer serves. and replacing it with a new outlook, perspective and actions.
(* information may be verbally communicated, or given and interpreted by me via metaphysical understanding, intuition, bio-feedback from muscle testing which I do on myself when working online, or direct when working face to face.

clear expression
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