A self-directed programme for women finding themselves in an empty nest
This programme acknowledges, honours and celebrates YOU as a woman, always a mother to your child(ren), yet now able to take a look at yourself and see your own identity re-emerge.
This programme allows you to hear your own narrative of your own path travelled through the years raising children, and to lovingly offer it into a metaphorical library so that you might write a new chapter, even a new book, where you play the lead character, appearing front and centre in life.
The programme will lead you through a series of questions, invitation for reflection and contemplation, opportunity to self-actualise by recognising the triggers you may have, and importantly a golden opportunity to honour and celebrate this major life event.
Facing my Reflection - the programme - may be just what you need to bring emotional fluency to handling the transition from one of life's seasons to the next. Or, it might just be the beginning of unravelling your experiences, putting them through a process of review and contemplation before emerging on the other side. If you feel to explore this with me, then I will be ready to walk at your side.
This programme will be delivered directly to your inbox on receipt of payment.
PLEASE NOTE you must download the file as the link will expire after 30 days.
You are invited to take time, allow space and create a nourishing environment to journey through this programme.

My own Reflection