Founder of the
Self-Love Revolution App
Say "YES" to you
and embrace the power of re-investing in self

Hello, I’m Rachel
Do you know how powerful the MAGIC of investing in yourself is?
That when you step into the cycle of change and out of the downwards spiral of stuckness, fear or limitation you naturally find yourself on a pathway to transformation.
Be balanced in mind, body and spirit to learn to better connect to your inner resources and wisdom to live your life with greater happiness, meaning and purpose
Your experiences, thoughts, feelings, perceptions and more make up the storybook of your life.
To make meaning of your stories, by acknowledging and honouring them is truly potent.
As an experienced energy Therapist I guide you to understand your inner narrative, balancing and harmonizing the past, to learn from and release what no longer serves. Then to create a more appropriate and enriching way for who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.​
Do you have a habit of over-giving or over-sharing, of compromising your boundaries to please others above yourself?
Perhaps you find it not so easy to say "NO" to others, putting their needs above your own?
The Self-Love Revolutionary App (downloadable from the App Store) is full of tools, resources and inspiration designed to guide, encourage and support you to a greater understanding and action of Self-Love.
In creating clear boundaries,
reviewing your inner narrative,
and refuelling your own tank
you build a framework in which it is easy and natural to
say "YES" to you
​Be a Revolutionary - create far-reaching and dramatic change.​
Believe in the possibility of being the best version of YOU​​
My mission is to guide and encourage women to make peace within, to know how and why self-nourishment is vital and to re-imagine a loving relationship with the True Self.
I draw from my experience of over 20 years in the following areas:
Kinesiology: which uses manual muscle testing to get bio-feedback from the body, bypassing the mental mind (where lie limitations and outdated beliefs) to restore holistic balance and equilibrium.
Energy balancing: which gets you back into flow with more energy, vital energy, energy to move from strive to thrive
Intuitive guidance: allowing you to tap into your innate frequency, accessing Higher Self knowing and Soul desires
Nurturing: because with a non-judgemental ear, heart connection and gentle voice guiding you, you'll feel safe and free to transform....
the chaos into calm, the noise into stillness, the fear into confidence, the unknown into clarity, the worry into peace, the discomfort into ease and the lost into found.
Observing the beauty in nature all around, I will guide you to become aligned to and embrace your own unique essence and dynamic light. To grow, bloom and flourish.
Through our journey together you will be rewarded with potent awareness, to commit to change, to evolve and to travel this earthly world widely awakened, nourished and loved.
Sessions are held mainly via Zoom, FaceTime or Whatsapp.
When booking your online session, make sure you select your time zone.
Walk with me
Be gently held in a space that allows for your inner wisdom to speak up and be heard beyond the chatter.
retreats and meditation
Bespoke retreats held in beautiful residential locations close to home, interstate and overseas.
Meditations to nourish and heal
learning programs
Learn practical tools, techniques and skills to expand emotional and spiritual intelligence
Why It Works

Heart Centered
Be held, supported and encouraged in an environment that is 100% non-judgemental, allowing for openness, honesty and vulnerability which together reveal your resilience and strength.
From chaos to calm, from strive to thrive, gain a clear picture of your inner landscape and the triggers or patterns that create disharmony and distress. The Inner Circle Process portrays the aspects within you providing a refreshingly clear and upgraded dialogue with your True Self.
A fundamental premise of kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is doing it’s best to care for itself. Sometimes it needs assistance to achieve this state. There are waves of energy within the body that relate to muscles, tissues and organs that make a body a living, feeling being.

Energy Alignment
We are all made of energy; we are all made up of a non-physical force that exists within and around our physical being.
Vibrational healing tools invite re-alignment of the chakras, energy fields and meridian pathways. Feel flow and lightness in and around you, offering a whole being sensory experience both uplifting and revitalising.
Emotional fluency
Understand your emotional intelligence, observe and be present to your feelings; allow them to freely ebb and flow.
Gain understanding and freedom from the messages your emotions offer you which are so often held in the cellular memory within your body.
Learn and commit to meaningful daily practices that centre and ground you, relieving you of the mental chatter.
Reconnect to your heart through nourishing daily rituals allowing it to beat in time with that of Mother Earth.